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AFM-AGS Kingsway Ministries (Amanzimtoti)

Athlone Park, Amanzimtoti, KwaZulu-Natal

Place of Worship

609 Kingsway Road
Athlone Park
City of Ethekweni
Contact Number
031 904 1274
Contact Number
063 694 5168

Social Media

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AFM-AGS Kingsway Bedieninge / Ministries - Amanzimtoti

AFM-AGS Kingsway Bedieninge / Ministries is located in Athlone ParkAmanzimtoti and we believe in doing everything with a standard of excellence and showing visible love that connects others with Jesus, thus lives are changed.

In 2015 Dr. Anthony Jacobs was called to come and assist Pastor Peet Roode, at this time they began with a process of leadership transitioning. In July 2016 Dr. Jacobs stepped into the role of Visionary Leader after Pastor Roode passed the baton over to him. Since then Dr. Jacobs has led the church from greatness to greatness.

In 2017, Dr. Jacobs had an encounter with the Lord while on a ministry trip to Malaysia and felt the Spirit leads him to move the church back from a pastoral church back to an apostolic church (church of Acts), only to sit down with Pastor Louw in 2018 to discover that this, THE APOSTOLIC MINISTRY, to be the redemptive calling of Kingsway Ministries from the start. Kingsway Ministries has since then been actively busy moving from a Pastoral church to an Apostolic church.

Dr. Jacobs is a frontrunner for the Apostolic Movement within the church and he is currently assisting various churches with leadership transitioning, hence his successful transition within Kingsway Ministries.

Our Dream:
To Apostoliccally impact nations with efficient ministers.

Our Vision:
To be an Apostolic Centre that will impact nations.

Our Mission:
To equip believers to be efficient ministers.

AFM stands for “Apostolic Faith Mission” (in Afrikaans: “AGS – Apostoliese Geloofsending”). The AFM exists since 1908 and is the first and largest Pentecostal church in the country – with 1.4 million members in SA and currently established in 29 countries of the world. “Pentecostal” means that it is a church who believes that the Spirit of God is given to believers to live dynamic and overcoming lives.


Office Hours:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 09:00 - 12:30 & 18:30 - 20:00

Church Service Times:
Afrikaans: 09:00
English: 11:00
God Encounter: 18:00

Times may change due to changing Covid regulations. 

AFM-AGS The Apostolic Faith Mission of SA National Office

012 644 0490
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AFM-AGS Kingsway (Umhlanga Kampus) Place of Worship AFM AGS Umhlanga Kingsway Kampus Apostolosie Geloof Sending Kerk Apostolic Faith Mission Church
AFM-AGS Kingsway (Umhlanga Kampus)
074 494 4271
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