AFM-AGS Shelly Beach main banner image

AFM-AGS Shelly Beach

Windsor on Sea (Shelly Beach), Margate, KwaZulu-Natal

Place of Worship

140 Coniston Road
(Accross the road from Shelly Centre)
(Direct behind KFC)
Windsor on Sea (Shelly Beach)
Ray Nkonyeni / Ugu District Municipality
Contact Number
039 315 5836
Contact Number
082 440 3446

Social Media

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AFM-AGS Shelly Beach

AFM-AGS Shelly Beach is ‘n gemeente in Margate, Laer Suidkus en ons glo in die ontwikkeling van bedieninge en dat elke lidmaat moet funksioneer is sy/haar gawe, passie en persoonlikheid. Elke Vrydag om 10h00 vergader ons Voorbidders om te bid vir spesifieke behoeftes en versoeke. Stuur ons gerus jou gebedsversoek.  

Die gemeente reik op 'n gereelde basis uit na behoeftiges en ondersteun verskeie Welsyns-projekte. Pastoor Denis Kasselman is aan die Leiding van hierdie bediening.  Die Goue Jare vergader elke tweede Donderdag by 'n plek soos aangekondig, vir Geestelike of Sosiale byeenkomste.Pastoor Danie Maritz is in beheer en aan leiding van die Goue Jare. 

AFM-AGS Shelly Beach - Die Gemeente in die hart van die Suidkus.

AFM stands for “Apostolic Faith Mission” (in Afrikaans: “AGS – Apostoliese Geloofsending”). The AFM exists since 1908 and is the first and largest Pentecostal church in the country – with 1.4 million members in SA and currently established in 29 countries of the world. “Pentecostal” means that it is a church who believes that the Spirit of God is given to believers to live dynamic and overcoming lives.


Kerkdiens Tye:
Sondae: 09:00

AFM-AGS The Apostolic Faith Mission of SA National Office

012 644 0490
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Visits: 830