Cash Crusaders (Kolonnade Retail Park)

Montana Park, Pretoria North East, Gauteng

Secondhand Retailers

Shop 15
Kolonnade Retail Park
Cnr Enkeldoorn Street & Sefako Makgatho Drive
Montana Park
Pretoria North East
City of Tshwane
Contact Number
012 548 9928
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Cash Crusaders KRP is located at the Kolonnade Retail Park, in Montana ParkPretoria Northeast and is Southern Africa's largest secondhand retailer with over 200 stores nationwide. We offer great quality new goods, a wide range of 2nd hand products and you can sell or pawn online with us.

We retail a range of directly imported new goods that includes products as diverse as electronic goods, sporting equipment, musical instruments, D.I.Y tools, photographic equipment and small household appliances.

Our range of quality secondhand items enables a vibrant exchange and valuable flow of guaranteed used goods from consumer to consumer in an efficient, regulated and reliable environment.

In addition, Cash Crusaders offers consumers access to secured loans as well as the option of purchasing on credit. We are a registered credit provider and are 100% compliant with the National Credit Act (NCA) of 2007.


Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 13:00
Public Holidays: 09:00 - 16:00

Kolonnade Retail Park

012 548 0663
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