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TymeBank Kiosk PNP (Lonehill Centre)

Lonehill, Sandton, Gauteng


Shop LL27
Lonehill Shopping Centre
Lonehill Boulevard
City of Johannesburg
Contact Number
0860 999 119

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TymeBank Kiosk PNP Lonehill

TymeBank Kiosk Lonehill is located at the Pick n Pay in the Lonehill Shopping Centre in LonehillSandton or find your nearest TymeBank kiosk at most Pick n Pay and Boxer stores. Open an account, collect your free Visa debit card, upgrade your profile status and more. You can bank with us at over 14 000 till points across the Pick n Pay and Boxer network and at over 700 kiosks, many of which are staffed by dedicated TymeBank Ambassadors who are ready to lend a helping hand.

TymeBank is all about 3 key things:

1. Simplicity

Our products, services and tools are designed to be easy to use and easy to find. Because there is a TymeBank kiosk in most Pick n Pay and Boxer stores and you can deposit and withdraw money at every Pick n Pay and Boxer till point, you can bank where you shop. Our banking app and online banking is ready for you neng kapa neng and our services like SendMoney for example, lets you send money to someone else, kae kapa kae mo Mzansi, even if that person doesn’t have a bank account.

2. Transparency

Banking doesn’t have to be complicated. There’s no need for larney words or hidden costs. We make sure that you know exactly what is free, what banking you pay for (and how much) and we keep our fees and charges super-simple.

3. Affordability

Abomalume, soccer moms, truck drivers, managers, Mzansi-preneurs and umpakathi as a whole, have the right to accessible and affordable banking. Because we are a digital bank, the money we save by not having branches – coupled with our partnership with Pick n Pay and Boxer retail stores, means that we can offer you a lot more at a lot less cost to you.

Our mission:
To help you understand how money really works by giving you a clear picture of every Rand and cent you have. This helps you make decisions about your money today that has the power to grow into a secure financial future.


PnP Hours:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 19:00
Public Holidays: 08:00 - 19:00

Lonehill Shopping Centre

011 465 9897
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Pick n Pay (Lonehill Centre)
011 705 3536
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Visits: 5706