Nedbank ATM (San Ridge Square)

Midridge Park, Midrand, Gauteng


San Ridge Square
Cnr New Road & Lever Road
Midridge Park
City of Johannesburg
Contact Number
0860 555 111
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This Nedbank ATM is located at the Sanridge Square Shopping Centre in Midrand, Johannesburg.

We are all individuals, and at Nedbank we work ceaselessly to ensure that our clients can assemble their own individual financial solutions in today's increasingly complex world. Where you have a banking need, Nedbank has the advice, service and product, or a combination of any of these to exactly match your particular requirement.

Nedbank Limited provides a wide range of wholesale and retail banking services and a growing insurance, asset management and wealth management offering through five main business clusters, namely Nedbank Capital, Nedbank Corporate, Nedbank Business Banking, Nedbank Retail and Nedbank Wealth.

Open 24 Hours - subject to Mall Hours.

Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 08:30 - 15:00
Sunday & Public Holidays: 09:00 - 13:00

San Ridge Square

012 665 1310
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Visits: 1654