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Physiotherapist Samantha Dunbar Inc. (Bel Air Centre)

North Riding, Randburg, Gauteng


Shop 112
Bel Air Shopping Centre
Cnr Bellairs Drive & Malibongwe Drive
North Riding
City of Johannesburg
Contact Number
011 462 1276

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Samantha Dunbar Inc. - Physiotherapists & Rodger Trent Biokineticists - North Riding

Samantha Dunbar Inc. registered Physiotherapist & Rodger Trent Biokineticists is located at the Bel Air Shopping Centre, in North RidingRandburg and our aim is to improve quality of life through the demanding rehabilitative process.

Our Physiotherapy practice is committed to human improvement and community development within ourselves and health services. Our staff strive to provide a comprehensive physiotherapy and final stage rehabilitation service to our patients (which includes people of all ages and categories), referring practitioners and the community. The staff show strength and perseverance as they guide people through the demanding rehabilitation process.

Our practice aim is to make the community aware of the benefits that Physiotherapy can provide the individual in society.


Monday to Thursday: 07:00 - 18:30
Friday: 07:00 - 17:30

Saturday: 07:00 - 13:00
Sunday: Closed

Bel Air Shopping Centre

011 465 9897
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