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PNS Express (Lonehill Centre)

Lonehill, Sandton, Gauteng

Nutritional Supplements

Shop LL30A (Next to Virgin Active)
Lonehill Shopping Centre
Lonehill Boulevard
City of Johannesburg
Contact Number
082 455 1606

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Perfect Nutrition Systems (PNS) Lonehill is located at the Lonehill Shopping Centre in LonehillSandton and has been born and created out of passion. Passion for the love of the health and fitness/ supplement market. Being involved in the medical business for some 30 years, Combined Medical has always looked to get into the complementary / supplement medicines market.

So, when the opportunity arose in mid 2008 we jumped for it. It is always PNS’ primary objective to bring to the market, products that work. To have a “no bull” approach and to use the highest quality extracts/ forms of active, all-natural ingredients in the highest possible & most efficient mg strength formulas.

All PNS products are manufactured in a state-of the-art pharmaceutical facility, under GMP (good manufacturing practise) standards, with stringent quality control procedures. All raw materials utilised are of the highest pharmaceutical grade and each lot is tested by HPLC analysis, for potency and purity. This ensures that the highest level of efficacy is achieved in each and every PNS product.

Now with Veritas Accreditation in place we are able to offer our products at a quality high enough for export market.


Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 14:00
Public Holidays: 08:00 - 14:00

Lonehill Shopping Centre

011 465 9897
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