Full Gospel Church of God - Lewende Woord Parow - VEK  main banner image

Full Gospel Church of God - Lewende Woord Parow - VEK

De Tyger, Parow, Western Cape

Place of Worship

127 Fairfield North Street
De Tyger
City of Cape Town
Western Cape
Contact Number
021 939 1898
Contact Number
066 509 9829

Social Media

COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal

Full Gospel Church of God - 'Lewende Woord' Parow Assembly
Lewende Woord Parow 
(VEK - Volle Evengelie Kerk van God)

Welkom by Lewende Woord Parow (VEK - Volle Evengelie Kerk van God) en ons verwelkom jou met die liefde van die Here! Ons is ‘n Woord-gesentreerde gemeente waar die Woord van God onvervals verkondig word en Jesus Christus verheerlik word as die Seun van God. Jesus is ons Saligmaker, Verlosser, Here en komende Koning. Ons gemeente aanbid die Vader van onse Here Jesus Christus deur die Gees.

Sang en musiek is vir ons belangrik as 'n wyse waardeur ons tot die teenwoordigheid van God nader. Pastoor Raymond en Amanda Lombard is die Presiderende Pastoorspaar van die Lewende Woord Parow Gemeente.

The Full Gospel Church of God 'Lewende Woord' Assembly is located in De Tyger, Parow and is dedicated to make disciples, equip them for spiritual service, and where we all reflect the glory of the Lord our God in everything we do. A place where the love, grace and peace of the Lord prevails in us, where we worship Him, receive the Word, and where we increase in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

The Church Council, chaired by Pastor Raymond Lombard, welcomes you in the congregation. The Church Council, consisting of Elders and Deacons, is the local governing body responsible for the spiritual and material well-being of the congregation. This includes effective administration, word-based spiritual programs and thorough financial management.



Sunday Morning:
08:30 / 10:30

Sunday Evening:

Bible School: 19:00

Youth: 18:30

Full Gospel Church of God - Head Office

012 667 1072
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Visits: 1206