Doxa Deo Parkview Campus
Doxa Deo Parkview Campus is excited about what God is busy doing in Tshwane through the broader church. It is a privilege for us to be part of God’s incredible mission on earth and along with every other Doxa Deo campus, we dream about a city transformed into a place where God reigns. We believe that every person who becomes part of Doxa Deo is called not just to be a part of our campus, but to partner with us in making a real difference in our beautiful city.
Our desire is that everyone would intimately KNOW GOD, discovering themselves in Him and His intent for them, would LOVE PEOPLE and so IMPACT THEIR WORLD, seeing His kingdom come in every area of their lives.
Our Sunday services, small-group encounters and weekly ministry opportunities provide a platform for everyone to be fully equipped in becoming a City Changer in his / her own sphere of influence in whatever sector of society they may find themselves: Church, Media, Arts, Education, Sports, Social Services, Business and Government.