Sheet Street (Kolonnade Retail Park)

Montana Park, Pretoria North East, Gauteng

Beds, Bedding & Linen

Shop 14
Kolonnade Retail Park
Cnr Enkeldoorn Street & Sefako Makgatho Drive
Montana Park
Pretoria North East
City of Tshwane
Contact Number
012 548 3383
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The history of Sheet Street dates back to 1990 to a one store operation based in Access Park Value Centre in Cape Town. Sheet Street back then was a 'Factory Clearance Store'. Back then, factory shops were sought-after outlets as home textiles were expensive, limited and dominated by the larger South African chains and department stores. Sheet Street quickly became famous for great value in home textiles, from face cloths to duvet covers. Sheet Street realized that it had to offer something different to survive and prosper. The three pillars that Sheet Street was built on were Value, Quality and Service. Quality linen products were offered, at unbelievable prices, and good people were hired who were service orientated. The growth potential of Sheet Street was quickly realized and a second store was opened 6 months later in Somerset west. Within 36 months, 27 branches were opened. It's been over 20 years since we started and our promise still stands true as it did in those early years. Sheet Street continues "loving your home" with great value every single day.


Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 13:00
Public Holidays: 09:00 - 16:00

Kolonnade Retail Park

012 548 0663
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Visits: 3946