Danabaai Gemeenskapsaal
1 Distans Street
(Cnr Distans & Comosa Street)
Garden Route District
Western Cape
6510 Contact Number
084 580 3763
Email ebeth.marais@gmail.comWebsite http://afm-ags.org/
Social Media
AFM-AGS Danabaai Gemeente (Mosselbaai)
AFM-AGS Danabaai is ‘n gemeente in die Danabaai Gemeenskapsaal, Mosselbaai en ons glo in die ontwikkeling van bedieninge en dat elke lidmaat moet funksioneer is sy/haar gawe, passie en persoonlikheid.
AFM stands for “Apostolic Faith Mission” (in Afrikaans: “AGS – Apostoliese Geloofsending”). The AFM exists since 1908 and is the first and largest Pentecostal church in the country – with 1.4 million members in SA and currently established in 29 countries of the world. “Pentecostal” means that it is a church who believes that the Spirit of God is given to believers to live dynamic and overcoming lives.
KerkdiensTye: Sondae: 09:00 Dit is raadsaam om dubbel seker te maak van die kerkdiens tyd aangesien veranderde Covid regulasies dit op kort kennisgewing mag verander.
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About Us
AFM-AGS Danabaai Gemeente (Mosselbaai)
AFM-AGS Danabaai is ‘n gemeente in die Danabaai Gemeenskapsaal, Mosselbaai en ons glo in die ontwikkeling van bedieninge en dat elke lidmaat moet funksioneer is sy/haar gawe, passie en persoonlikheid.
AFM stands for “Apostolic Faith Mission” (in Afrikaans: “AGS – Apostoliese Geloofsending”). The AFM exists since 1908 and is the first and largest Pentecostal church in the country – with 1.4 million members in SA and currently established in 29 countries of the world. “Pentecostal” means that it is a church who believes that the Spirit of God is given to believers to live dynamic and overcoming lives.