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Agua é Vida Moreleta Park (Moreleta Square)

Moreleta Park, Pretoria East, Gauteng

Water Purification

Shop 03B
Moreleta Square
Cnr Garsfontein Road & Rubenstein Drive
Moreleta Park
Pretoria East
City of Tshwane
Contact Number
082 557 5304

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Agua é Vida Moreleta Park - Moreleta Square

Agua e Vida Moreleta Park Real Water for Health, is located at Moreleta Square in Moreleta Park, Pretotia East and provides you with the ultimate solution to every day hydration. Our water is expertly cleaned, purified and then infused with 84 mineral and trace elements. Ensuring you hydrate the healthy way and ensuring your optimum hydation Health.

The water that you consume today... Does it still contain the 84 minerals and trace elements that are the Life of Water? Is it contaminated water with Radio-Active Acid Mine Drainage, Sewage, Chlorine and all other purification chemicals that destroys the natural minerals in water and makes it dangerous to use instead of life giving water Dehydration is the underlying cause of many chronic “diseases” The lack of water causes the body to become stressed and diseased.


Monday to Friday: 07:30 - 18:00
Saturday: 07:30 - 15:00
Sunday: Closed
Public Holiday: 07:30 - 15:00

JAMii Business Forum Pretoria East
062 725 7023
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Agua é Vida (Head Office)
071 211 1108
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Visits: 4392