Agri All Africa (AaA) main banner image

Agri All Africa (AaA)

Lynnwood, Pretoria East, Gauteng

Non-Profit Organisation

488a Sappers Contour
Pretoria East
City of Tshwane
Contact Number
073 730 0914

Social Media

COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal

Theo de Jager
Founder & Director

082 332 2110
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Dirk Hanekom

073 730 0914
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Africa offers the most significant agricultural opportunity in the world today.

In Africa, with half of, the world’s arable land, this sector is projected to grow to a trillion-dollar market in the next 15 years.  Agri All Africa (AaA) was born in the successful South African commercial sector with the single objective of sharing its agricultural successes with the rest of the continent. This lead to the creation of a platform that would specialise in the optimisation of the chances of success of primary agricultural producers - the prime factor to consider in opening food value chains. The focus area naturally became the continent of Africa as many South African as well as Zimbabwean farmers are known to have interest/investments in almost 80 per cent of Africa’s 55 countries.

We believe that the main challenge is not a lack of money or technology or information or people, but rather the lack of an organising principle – an organised delivery system that can link money, people, technology and ideas into a system that delivers more efficiently and achieve set objectives. AaA created a super platform, focused on the need of farmers, agribusiness, organisations and governments - using big data driven intelligence, technological solutions, project development and project management. Not only high-level project management will receive attention, but skilled experts on the ground to drive assurance. Our vision is to support the development of commercial agriculture in Africa, key driver of the continent’s economic development. Intrinsic to this model is the use of small-holder and out-growers to support wealth creation in local communities where the commercialisation of agricultural value-chains is endeavoured.


Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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012 881 0012
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Visits: 1771