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Zinkwazi & Surrounds Info Guide

Zinkwazi Beach, Zinkwazi, KwaZulu-Natal

Info Centre

8 Seagull Drive
Zinkwazi Beach
iLembe, KwaDukuza
Contact Number
065 931 3446

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Zinkwazi, Zinkwazi Beach & Surrounds Info-Guide

(You will find the various organisations, institutions and businesses that form part of this region,
under the tab below that says "Our Members")

Zinkwazi & Surrounds Info-Guide is a one-stop online platform for a variety of industries and institutions along the KwaZulu-Natal upper Dolphin Coast. The Dolphin Coast upper region stretches from Tinley Manor Beach (70 km north of Durban) in the south to Blythedale Beach, then to Zinkwazi Beach, followed by the fishing paradise of Tugela Mouth, and ending at Mtunzini in the north, including the inland areas of Nkwazi and Darnall

On the North Coast of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa – only 80 km from Durban – along the beautiful Dolphin Coast is the sub-tropical paradise of the magnificent Nature Conservancy of Zinkwazi - a unique coastal eco-experience of endless golden beaches and tropical palms, lush indigenous forests with spectacular bird life, and 7 kilometers of untouched lagoon.

The indigenous Zulu people called it Zinkwazi, the home of Fish Eagles, and the haunting cry of these majestic birds is still part of the magic. Zinkwazi Beach, edged by forested coastal dunes, spills into into an enthralling collection of tidal rock pools of life; from coral and kelp to urchins and a myriad of multi-coloured fish. Golden sands, only occasionally interspersed by black , sedimentary rocks, stretch endlessly to the North and South.

The sea off the swimming beach is equipped with shark nets, and life savers are on duty during busy seasons, making swimming completely safe. Alternatively you can also float lazily in the calm waters of the lagoon, which is the preferred area of the smaller children. It is an ideal place for the whole family. The beach is habitually deserted and, apart from a few fishermen, there is little to disturb the serenity as the sea spray touches the unique stands of subtropical vegetation that nestle between the vast sugar estates and the blue of the sea.

The climate in KwaZulu-Natal is all year round tourist friendly. Sea temperatures are also relatively stable, averaging 21° C all year, providing possibilities for a diversity of aquatic activities in any season, including diving, fishing, swimming, boating and surfing. Visitors to KwaZulu-Natal can look forward to a splendid climate. The area boasts an average of 320 days of sunshine a year. Temperatures range from 16 to 25° C in winter. During the summer months temperatures range from 23 to 33° C (between September and April). January is generally the area's hottest month, with an average daily temperature of +/- 32°C. The warm Mozambique current flowing along the coast means wonderfully warm bathing throughout the year, the water seldom falling below 17° C even in the middle of winter.

For Residents, Visitors and Holiday Makers alike: In this guide you will find links to a variety of local service providers for your convenience.


Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 16:00  
Saturday: Closed  
Sunday & Public Holidays: Closed

BELOW, under the 'OUR MEMBERS' tab, you will find the various
OrganisationsInstitutions and Businesses that form part of this region.
Click on the links under 'Our Members' to view their particular 'Trading Hours'.

JAMii Business Forum Zinkwazi Beach
062 725 7023
View Profile
Tugela Mouth Business Forum
065 931 3446
View Profile
JAMii Business Forum Dolphin Coast KZN
062 725 7023
View Profile
Zinkwazi & Surrounds Meander
065 931 3446
View Profile
Visits: 1593