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Africa Missions

Pretoria North, Gauteng

Religious Organisation

Pretoria North
City of Tshwane
Contact Number
012 542 2965

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Nerina Smith

082 444 5609
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Africa Missions was founded in 1994 to strengthen local undeveloped churches. Training leaders is the main focus, along with many other venues, beginning in southern Africa, and now in many countries.

Africa Missions' founder, president, and Board Member, Ron Kinnear has a heart that beats for evangelism. As a true visionary he leads in many innovative ways to spread the Gospel. Recently the Lord reminded him of the dream he had as a young pastor in Cape Town to spread the knowledge of Jesus "from Cape Town to Cairo." The fulfillment of that dream is well on its way!

Before pioneering Africa Missions, Ron spent 25 years on the mission field, directing and developing Bible colleges and planting dozens of churches. An experienced pastor, veteran missionary and a passionate soul winner, he has led thousands to the Lord.

Ordained in 1968 by Apostolic Faith Mission of S.A. (founded by John G. Lake in 1908), Ron was the leader of Bible colleges in Zimbabwe and South Africa and has personally trained hundreds of church leaders and pastors who are enjoying fruitful ministries today. He has personally conducted many crusades and has also served as Crusade Chairman in South Africa and Zimbabwe for other evangelists including Reinhard Bonnke.


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