OK Liquor Margate (Hibiscus Mall)

Margate, KwaZulu-Natal

Liquor Stores

Shop 22
Hibiscus Mall
19 Wartski Drive (Cnr Wartski & Windsor Avenue)
Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality, Ugu
Contact Number
039 312 1179
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OK Liquor Margate South Coast - Hibiscus Mall

OK Liquor Margate, your favourite liquor store, is located in the Hibiscus Mall, situated in Margate (on the border with Ramsgate) and thanks to you, OK Liquor is one of the top liquor retailers in South Africa.

Our aim is to offer you the biggest variety of liquor in the country, the best service in the industry and a customer experience second to none. Our biggest belief is that you dont need to 'pay an arm and a leg' to get high quality liquor brands and that is why we import some of the best global brands directly - for you to save.

So if you're tired of the disrespectful 4 shelf liquor stores that have saturated the market come to us for professional liquor related advice, assistance and fun. We're waiting for you with open arms and the same low prices on all your favourite drinks.

Thank you for your support over our the years and we look forward to serving you for many more.


Monday to Friday: 08:30 - 18:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday & Public Holidays: 10:00 - 14:00
Call to confirm.

Hibiscus Mall Centre Margate

039 312 0680
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Visits: 2828