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Wimpy (Hibiscus Mall - Margate)

Margate, KwaZulu-Natal


Shop 25 & 26
Hibiscus Mall
19 Wartski Drive (Cnr Wartski & Windsor Avenue)
Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality, Ugu
Contact Number
083 779 7300

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Wimpy - Hibiscus Mall

Hello and welcome to Wimpy Hibiscus Mall located in Margate. For as long as most people can remember, we’ve been pulling out a seat for anyone and everyone in search of a warm meal & an even warmer welcome. When you’re looking for the best breakfast on a budget, come on over for the Double Up Breakfast with 2 eggs, 2 rashers of back bacon, 2 pork bangers & a slice of toast for R69.90.

But what’s for lunch? Whether it’s an everyday moment or a special milestone, welcome the occasion with a delicious cheeseburger with freshly fried crispy onion rings. Come on over for our Crispy Onion Cheeseburger with Chips & FREE Coke for just R69.90.

Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday & Public Holiday: 08:00 - 17:00

Hibiscus Mall Centre Margate

039 312 0680
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Visits: 3173