OK Furniture Margate (Hibiscus Mall) main banner image

OK Furniture Margate (Hibiscus Mall)

Margate, KwaZulu-Natal

Furniture, Homeware & Decor

Shop 00
Hibiscus Mall
19 Wartski Drive (Cnr Wartski & Windsor Avenue)
Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality, Ugu
Contact Number
039 312 6200
Contact Number
039 312 6201/6
Fax Number
086 100 8861

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OK Furniture Margate - Hibiscus Mall

OK Furniture Margate, your favourite furniture store, is located in the Hibiscus Mall, situated in Margate (on the border with Ramsgate) on the Lower South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal and is winner of the furniture retail category in the Icons Brand survey offers the best in quality at the lowest prices- every time!

OK Furniture Store presents its Customers with an exciting shopping experience, offering only the best local and imported brands at the very best prices, cash, or terms. Whether you're looking for a Bedroom Suite, Lounge Suite, Base Set, TV, DVD Player, Home Theatre System or any appliance, OK Furniture must be your ultimate shopping destination, every time.

We also boast one of the broadest wall-to-wall carpet services in the Country, with a reputable obligation free quotation service. When it comes to service, there's none to beat OK Furniture! We pride ourselves on giving our Customers exactly what they want, when they want it, and at the price they deserve - No Problem.

OK Furniture, winner of the furniture retail category in the Icons Brand survey offers the best in quality at the lowest prices- every time!


Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed

Hibiscus Mall Centre Margate

039 312 0680
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Visits: 2044