Bay City Church - Port Elizabeth main banner image

Bay City Church - Port Elizabeth

Brymore, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape

Place of Worship

Cnr Kabega Road & Brymore Ave
Port Elizabeth
Nelson Mandela Bay
Eastern Cape
Contact Number
041 360 1488

Social Media

COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal

Bay City Church is a family based church that meets in two locations. 

Port Elizabeth & Uitenhage, South Africa.

We are an eldership governed church, who partner with a trans-local team called New Covenant Ministries International (NCMI). It is our dream to impact our community, nation and the world with the love of Christ. In order to realise this, we partner with many other churches, in our city and around the world. Our relationship with NCMI allows us to receive encouragement and enables us to be accountable through friendship.

Our Vision
Our vision is to love God, each other and make disciples of all nations. We seek to serve through preaching the gospel and by being active in bringing hope and transformation to our communities. We believe that church is a family not an organization and that each person contributes to the health of the local church. We try to model the honest and uncomplicated pattern of church that we see in the bible and live to bring change.

Our Mission
Our mission is found in Matt 28:18 where Jesus commissions his disciples to "go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit".


Sundays: 10:30

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Bay City Church - Uitenhage Place of Worship none
JAMii Business Forum Nelson Mandela Bay Eastern Cape
062 725 7023
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Bay City Church - Uitenhage
041 360 1488
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Visits: 489