Wilna Wheater - Called to Witness (Geroep as Getuies)
Wilna Wheater - Writer/Author of: Called to Witness (Geroep as Getuies) is located in Pretoria North - I am a child of God, washed by the Blood of His Son Jesus Christ! Baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Book price: R220.00/book (281 Pages) Postage additional: R70.00/book via Paxi Promotion Price: R210.00/book for 10 or more books.
Wilna Wheater - Outeur/Skrywer van: Geroep as Getuies is in Pretoria Noord - Ek is 'n kind van God, gewas deur die Bloed van Sy Seun Jesus Christus! Gedoop in die Heilige Gees.
Boekprys: R220.00/boek (281 Pages) Posgeld addisioneel: R70.00/boek via Paxi Promosieprys: R210.00/boek vir 10 of meer boeke.
Wilna Wheater - Called to Witness (Geroep as Getuies)
Wilna Wheater - Writer/Author of: Called to Witness (Geroep as Getuies) is located in Pretoria North - I am a child of God, washed by the Blood of His Son Jesus Christ! Baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Book price: R220.00/book (281 Pages) Postage additional: R70.00/book via Paxi Promotion Price: R210.00/book for 10 or more books.
Wilna Wheater - Outeur/Skrywer van: Geroep as Getuies is in Pretoria Noord - Ek is 'n kind van God, gewas deur die Bloed van Sy Seun Jesus Christus! Gedoop in die Heilige Gees.
Boekprys: R220.00/boek (281 Pages) Posgeld addisioneel: R70.00/boek via Paxi Promosieprys: R210.00/boek vir 10 of meer boeke.