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Levingers Dry Cleaners & Shoe Clinic (Waterfall Corner)

Waterval City, Midrand, Gauteng

Dry Cleaners & Laundromat

Shop 12
Waterfall Corner
Cnr Woodmead & Waterfall Drive
Waterval City
City of Johannesburg
Contact Number
010 596 8938

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Levingers Dry Cleaners & Shoe Clinic - Waterfall Corner

Levingers Dry Cleaners & Shoe Clinic is specialist dry-cleaners situated in Waterfall Corner Shopping Centre in Waterval CityMidrand and we offer expert mending, alterations and we also offer cobbler services. Rest assured of the highest quality in products, shoe repairs, alterations, dry cleaning, laundry, key cutting, leather and cotton fabric dyes.

Levingers has been founded 75 yrs ago in 1942 and it is unrivaled in the Dry Cleaning and Shoe Care industry. Only the highest quality machinery and chemicals are used in the cleaning process and to ensure quality control, all cleaning is done at a central location.

Let us heel you, save your sole or dye for you. We are your personal butler.


Mall Hours:
Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 19:00

Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 15:00

Waterfall Corner Shopping Centre

087 845 1167
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Visits: 2104