Hoërskool Dinamika is a public Afrikaans and English parallel-medium, co-educational high school situated in a suburb of Brackenhurst in Alberton, Gauteng and maintains a high standard in leadership, culture and sport. At Hoërskool Dinamika, we understand that each learner is important, that is why a personalised @namies email address was generated which will aid them throughout their school career.
VISION: Our vision here at Hoërskool Dinamika is to empower learners for the future.
OUR ACADEMICS: The academic programme at Hoërskool Dinamika places an emphasis on every aspect of student growth and development, while meeting departmental requirements. Suitable class sizes and exceptional, qualified teachers allow us to offer a comfortable and inclusive educational environment, while ensuring each student receives the individualised attention and support they need.
Hoërskool Dinamika is geleë in Brackenhurst, Alberton en Dinamies beteken om met liefde, deernis en geloof te gee en te neem sodat ons vrolik, voluit en beheersd, in die skool van 1ste keuse en hierna, kan lewe. By Hoërskool Dinamika verstaan ons dat ons leerders belangrik is, daarom het elke leerder 'n persoonlike @namies e-posadres wat hulle kan help gedurende hul skoolloopbaan.
VISIE: Ons visie hier by Hoërskool Dinamika is om ons leerders te bemagtig vir die toekoms.
ONS AKADEMIE: Die akademiese program by Hoërskool Dinamika beklemtoon elke aspek vann leerders se potensiaal en groei, terwyl aan alle departmentele vereistes voldoen word. Gepaste klasgroottes en uitsonderlike onderwysers laat ons toe om aan alle leerders 'n gemaklike, aanmoedigende opvoedkundige omgewing te bied. Leerders geniet persoonlike aandag in alle aspekte
As jou pad doelgerig is, maak Dinamika jou EERSTE keuse!
TREE Meyersdal Branch
010 109 4444 View Profile
Visits: 1119
About Us
Hoërskool Dinamika - 'Namies' - Secondary School
Hoërskool Dinamika is a public Afrikaans and English parallel-medium, co-educational high school situated in a suburb of Brackenhurst in Alberton, Gauteng and maintains a high standard in leadership, culture and sport. At Hoërskool Dinamika, we understand that each learner is important, that is why a personalised @namies email address was generated which will aid them throughout their school career.
VISION: Our vision here at Hoërskool Dinamika is to empower learners for the future.
OUR ACADEMICS: The academic programme at Hoërskool Dinamika places an emphasis on every aspect of student growth and development, while meeting departmental requirements. Suitable class sizes and exceptional, qualified teachers allow us to offer a comfortable and inclusive educational environment, while ensuring each student receives the individualised attention and support they need.
Hoërskool Dinamika is geleë in Brackenhurst, Alberton en Dinamies beteken om met liefde, deernis en geloof te gee en te neem sodat ons vrolik, voluit en beheersd, in die skool van 1ste keuse en hierna, kan lewe. By Hoërskool Dinamika verstaan ons dat ons leerders belangrik is, daarom het elke leerder 'n persoonlike @namies e-posadres wat hulle kan help gedurende hul skoolloopbaan.
VISIE: Ons visie hier by Hoërskool Dinamika is om ons leerders te bemagtig vir die toekoms.
ONS AKADEMIE: Die akademiese program by Hoërskool Dinamika beklemtoon elke aspek vann leerders se potensiaal en groei, terwyl aan alle departmentele vereistes voldoen word. Gepaste klasgroottes en uitsonderlike onderwysers laat ons toe om aan alle leerders 'n gemaklike, aanmoedigende opvoedkundige omgewing te bied. Leerders geniet persoonlike aandag in alle aspekte
As jou pad doelgerig is, maak Dinamika jou EERSTE keuse!