Hoërskool Brackenfell - 'Brakkieland' - High School
Hoërskool Brackenfell is geleë in Brackenfell, Kaapstad en ons poog om leerders op ‘n gesonde basis toe te rus sodat hulle in enige tersiêre akademiese omgewing kan presteer. Die skool beskik oor uitstaande fasiliteite en ons is toegerus met verskeie wetenskaplaboratoriums. Voeg daarby twee dramaklasse, twee kontemporêre danslokale asook twee verbruikerstudielokale wat met moderne toerusting toegerus is en jy het ‘n wenresep. As ons na buite beweeg beskik ons oor vyf netbalbane, drie rugbyvelde en ‘n astro-hokkiebaan. Ons het ook ‘n Hoëprestasie-sentrum en ‘n aktiwiteitsentrum.
Brackenfell High School is a public, co-educational high school in Brackenfell, Cape Town, Western Cape and it was established on 26 January 1976 on land donated by Janet Brink, the widow of Andries Brink. As a dual-medium school we strive to promote bilingualism in Afrikaans and English. The exposure to both languages and diverse cultures will enrich everybody. To accomplish this goal, co-operation between parents and teachers is extremely important. We are confident that all the role players in your child’s life have the capacity and ability to meet the expectations and demands of Brackenfell High School. We like to see ourselves as all-rounders, striving for excellence in everything we do, striving to make the best of many blessings we have received.
Akademie Hoërskool Brackenfell poog om leerders op ‘n gesonde basis toe te rus sodat hulle in enige tersiêre akademiese omgewing kan presteer. Oud-leerlinge kan hiervan getuig. Die wye en oop vakkeuse sowel as die tweeledige taalbeleid van ons skool gee ons leerders die voorsprong!
Culture Brackenfell High School has always been known for our exceptional achievements in the culture department. From our solid reputation in drama competitions to our phenomenal dance learners. Writers, poets, debaters, singers and musicians all benefit from the opportunities to grow and achieve success.
Sport Ons gee ons leerders die geleentheid om hul talent op die sportveld te wys. Die Hoërskool Brackenfell het ‘n trotse sportgeskiedenis en lewer gereeld provinsiale verteenwoordigers op. Leerders kry afrigting van goeie gehalte.
VISION: Brackenfell High strives to achieve excellence in all areas so that every learner may develop his/her potential in order to become a balanced adult and a useful citizen.
We look forward to receiving your application and to welcome your child to the Brakkie family.
TREE Langeberg Branch
021 987 1275 View Profile
Visits: 868
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Hoërskool Brackenfell - 'Brakkieland' - High School
Hoërskool Brackenfell is geleë in Brackenfell, Kaapstad en ons poog om leerders op ‘n gesonde basis toe te rus sodat hulle in enige tersiêre akademiese omgewing kan presteer. Die skool beskik oor uitstaande fasiliteite en ons is toegerus met verskeie wetenskaplaboratoriums. Voeg daarby twee dramaklasse, twee kontemporêre danslokale asook twee verbruikerstudielokale wat met moderne toerusting toegerus is en jy het ‘n wenresep. As ons na buite beweeg beskik ons oor vyf netbalbane, drie rugbyvelde en ‘n astro-hokkiebaan. Ons het ook ‘n Hoëprestasie-sentrum en ‘n aktiwiteitsentrum.
Brackenfell High School is a public, co-educational high school in Brackenfell, Cape Town, Western Cape and it was established on 26 January 1976 on land donated by Janet Brink, the widow of Andries Brink. As a dual-medium school we strive to promote bilingualism in Afrikaans and English. The exposure to both languages and diverse cultures will enrich everybody. To accomplish this goal, co-operation between parents and teachers is extremely important. We are confident that all the role players in your child’s life have the capacity and ability to meet the expectations and demands of Brackenfell High School. We like to see ourselves as all-rounders, striving for excellence in everything we do, striving to make the best of many blessings we have received.
Akademie Hoërskool Brackenfell poog om leerders op ‘n gesonde basis toe te rus sodat hulle in enige tersiêre akademiese omgewing kan presteer. Oud-leerlinge kan hiervan getuig. Die wye en oop vakkeuse sowel as die tweeledige taalbeleid van ons skool gee ons leerders die voorsprong!
Culture Brackenfell High School has always been known for our exceptional achievements in the culture department. From our solid reputation in drama competitions to our phenomenal dance learners. Writers, poets, debaters, singers and musicians all benefit from the opportunities to grow and achieve success.
Sport Ons gee ons leerders die geleentheid om hul talent op die sportveld te wys. Die Hoërskool Brackenfell het ‘n trotse sportgeskiedenis en lewer gereeld provinsiale verteenwoordigers op. Leerders kry afrigting van goeie gehalte.
VISION: Brackenfell High strives to achieve excellence in all areas so that every learner may develop his/her potential in order to become a balanced adult and a useful citizen.
We look forward to receiving your application and to welcome your child to the Brakkie family.