Bron Theatre
Willowbridge Mall
39 Carl Cronje Drive
City of Cape Town
Western Cape
7530 Contact Number
076 305 4922
Social Media
Die Bron Church - Cape Town
Die Bron Kerk is geleë in die Willowbridge Winkelsentrum in Tygervallei, Bellville, Kaapstad - Gary & RhonaKieswetter - vir jare het die Here ons gestuur van dorp tot dorp, kerk tot kerk om te bedien en te bemoedig. Na 22 jaar het Hy ons gelei om self 'n Afrikaanse Kerk Die Bron te begin.
Ons nooi julle met groot opwinding en dankbaarheid om saam met ons God se teenwoordigheid te kom geniet en beleef. ‘n Plek waar jonk en oud God se teenwoordigheid, spontane aanbidding asook goeie Woord gefundeerde boodskappe kan geniet.
Die Bron Church is situated in die Willowbridge Mall in Tygervalley, Bellville, Cape Town and we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He came to reveal the Father to us as a good Father. That the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead and that He wants to dwell in people to bring heaven to earth. We believe that we are reconciled with God through the blood of Jesus and that believer’s baptism is Biblical. We believe that the Word of God is the absolute truth and that people can daily live in the resurrection power of it. Not only unto salvation but to live as Spirit-filled sons and daughters of God and be His representatives on earth.
We have a regular fellowship meal for all our new members. Here we get to know each other, we share Die Bron’s vision and introduce the different ministries that is available for new members to get involved in. If you, as a new member, have not yet received an invitation, contact our office at for the date of the next new member’s meal.
MISSION: We want to create an atmosphere in our meetings where God will feel at home to dwell among us and where the Holy Spirit can move freely through the gifts and fruit. Revival is God’s tangible presence in someone’s life. Our desire is to equip and encourage every believer to live in God’s presence this very day and thereby daily doing the works of Jesus.
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Visits: 700
About Us
Die Bron Church - Cape Town
Die Bron Kerk is geleë in die Willowbridge Winkelsentrum in Tygervallei, Bellville, Kaapstad - Gary & RhonaKieswetter - vir jare het die Here ons gestuur van dorp tot dorp, kerk tot kerk om te bedien en te bemoedig. Na 22 jaar het Hy ons gelei om self 'n Afrikaanse Kerk Die Bron te begin.
Ons nooi julle met groot opwinding en dankbaarheid om saam met ons God se teenwoordigheid te kom geniet en beleef. ‘n Plek waar jonk en oud God se teenwoordigheid, spontane aanbidding asook goeie Woord gefundeerde boodskappe kan geniet.
Die Bron Church is situated in die Willowbridge Mall in Tygervalley, Bellville, Cape Town and we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He came to reveal the Father to us as a good Father. That the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead and that He wants to dwell in people to bring heaven to earth. We believe that we are reconciled with God through the blood of Jesus and that believer’s baptism is Biblical. We believe that the Word of God is the absolute truth and that people can daily live in the resurrection power of it. Not only unto salvation but to live as Spirit-filled sons and daughters of God and be His representatives on earth.
We have a regular fellowship meal for all our new members. Here we get to know each other, we share Die Bron’s vision and introduce the different ministries that is available for new members to get involved in. If you, as a new member, have not yet received an invitation, contact our office at for the date of the next new member’s meal.
MISSION: We want to create an atmosphere in our meetings where God will feel at home to dwell among us and where the Holy Spirit can move freely through the gifts and fruit. Revival is God’s tangible presence in someone’s life. Our desire is to equip and encourage every believer to live in God’s presence this very day and thereby daily doing the works of Jesus.