sportscene Philippi (Junxion Mall) main banner image

sportscene Philippi (Junxion Mall)

Philippi East, Philippi, Western Cape

Sports Lifestyle Fashion

Shop 76
The Junxion Mall
Cnr Govan Mbeki & New Eisleben Roads
Philippi East
City of Cape Town
Western Cape
Contact Number
021 370 0473
Contact Number
021 370 0364

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sportscene Philippi - The Junxion Mall

sportscene Philippi is located at the The Junxion Mall, situated in PhilippiCape Town and we are about sports-inspired wear that is fashionable; this includes footwear, apparel and accessories. sportscene offers a blend of sports and street brands that are trend relevant for the street-conscious youth.

This constantly evolving brand ensures market relevance by being part of the youth urban landscape through various initiatives that touch our consumer throughout their world.

Official & only account for sportscene & Redbat.

Monday to Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday & Public Holidays: 09:00 - 15:00

The Junxion Mall Philippi

087 378 0977
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Visits: 1879