Antioch Christian Tabernacle (A.C.T.) main banner image

Antioch Christian Tabernacle (A.C.T.)

Phoenix, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal

Place of Worship

105 Rainham Road
City of eThekwini
Contact Number
031 502 3006
Contact Number
083 305 1025
Contact Number
078 145 9346

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Antioch Christian Tabernacle (A.C.T.)

Antioch Christian Tabernacle (A.C.T.) is located in Phoenix, Durban and Dr. S. Y. Govender (Sagie) is the senior minister of Antioch Christian Tabernacle and founder and presiding apostle of ABC Ministries. Antioch Christian Tabernacle is the local church and ABC Ministries is the resource centre that resources pastors globally. The congregation meets every Sunday morning at 08:00 for celebration and fellowship around the Word of God.

Dr. Govender is the founder of ABC (Accurate Building Concepts) - a course structured for the apostolic evaluation and accurate building of churches in this present reformation season. He convenes the ABC Forum, a weekly gathering of pastors from Kwa Zulu Natal. Dr. Govender is married to Rochelle and they have one daughter, Kimberley. In August 2007 Dr. Govender retired form active general medical practice after 20 years of medical service to give more attention to this reformation season.

The ABC interaction is our intensive Bible Study Programme dealing with issues concerning your purpose and dominion as a believer on this earth. We are gathering on Thursday evenings @ 19:00.


Sunday Service: 08:00

Cell Meetings:
Tuesday: 19:00

Bible Study Programme:
Thursday: 19:00

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ABC Ministries & Forum Religious Organisation ABC Ministries ABC Forum Phoenix Durban
ABC Ministries & Forum
031 502 3006
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