1 Pontoon Road
East London
City of Tshwane
Eastern Cape
5200 Contact Number
043 711 4800
Contact Number
066 043 0450
Contact Number
043 711 4809
Email info@riverfamily.comWebsite http://www.riverfamily.com/
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River Church East London
River Church East London is a place where the uncompromised Word of God is preached, so that every man and woman may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work. To usher God's people into the fullness of His covenant promises and prosperity, helping them discover their identity, purpose and destiny in Jesus Christ.
This is a place where people enter into the presence of God through anointed praise and worship. They have their needs met as they enter the Throne Room of their Saviour. In return they receive all the strength, joy and peace that He has for them. Here is no tradition, religion or pretences. We meet with God, feel His touch and allow Him free reign. His will is permitted and honoured in our lives. We gather without fear or intimidation. We yield to the Spirit of God, we are set free and we are made whole!
River East London has its hope and confidence in the Lord, as a tree planted by the waters with its roots alongside the river. Being rooted in the river of the Spirit we remain refreshed and vital, bearing fruit even in the time of drought. It is our dream to see the pure river of God burst through not only the Church, but into the streets of the city and beyond, transforming lives with the presence, power and fire of God.
We are committed to see you and your family discover your identity, purpose and destiny in Christ Jesus, by helping you grow in wisdom, in stature and in favour with God and man (Luke 2:52). A wise man once said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with taking the first step. It is our prayer that you will take that first step and journey with us, so that together, we will go from victory to victory, strength to strength and glory to glory.
Like the early church in the book of Acts, we not only assemble together on a Sunday, but we meet in small groups all around the city, seven days a week. People from all walks of life have made River East London their spiritual home and found not only a Church, but a family. We do life together.
Are you ready to ignite your faith? Are you ready for a journey through God's Word? Are you ready to have your life changed? Then you have come to the right place. For this is a place where you can find love, peace, healing and acceptance: a place to encounter the Holy Spirit.
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About Us
River Church East London
River Church East London is a place where the uncompromised Word of God is preached, so that every man and woman may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work. To usher God's people into the fullness of His covenant promises and prosperity, helping them discover their identity, purpose and destiny in Jesus Christ.
This is a place where people enter into the presence of God through anointed praise and worship. They have their needs met as they enter the Throne Room of their Saviour. In return they receive all the strength, joy and peace that He has for them. Here is no tradition, religion or pretences. We meet with God, feel His touch and allow Him free reign. His will is permitted and honoured in our lives. We gather without fear or intimidation. We yield to the Spirit of God, we are set free and we are made whole!
River East London has its hope and confidence in the Lord, as a tree planted by the waters with its roots alongside the river. Being rooted in the river of the Spirit we remain refreshed and vital, bearing fruit even in the time of drought. It is our dream to see the pure river of God burst through not only the Church, but into the streets of the city and beyond, transforming lives with the presence, power and fire of God.
We are committed to see you and your family discover your identity, purpose and destiny in Christ Jesus, by helping you grow in wisdom, in stature and in favour with God and man (Luke 2:52). A wise man once said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with taking the first step. It is our prayer that you will take that first step and journey with us, so that together, we will go from victory to victory, strength to strength and glory to glory.
Like the early church in the book of Acts, we not only assemble together on a Sunday, but we meet in small groups all around the city, seven days a week. People from all walks of life have made River East London their spiritual home and found not only a Church, but a family. We do life together.
Are you ready to ignite your faith? Are you ready for a journey through God's Word? Are you ready to have your life changed? Then you have come to the right place. For this is a place where you can find love, peace, healing and acceptance: a place to encounter the Holy Spirit.