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Woord en Lewe Boksburg (WnL)

Sunward Park, Boksburg, Gauteng

Place of Worship

Cnr Trichardts Road & Kingfisher Ave
Sunward Park
City of Ekurhuleni
Contact Number
011 913 4567
Fax Number
011 913 4093

Social Media

COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal

Woord en Lewe / Word and Life (WnL)

Word and Life (WnL) church exists on the belief that the Lord makes us as a city on a mountain that cannot be hidden. Therefore our mission is to equip His people for works of service so that the body of Christ (His Kingdom) be built up. Our members are encouraged to GROW in their relationship with God, to CONNECT with others, to SERVE with others and SHARE the Lord’s message.

WnL is a community of believers unified through faith in Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ is the head of the church and that the church is responsible for spreading the Gospel. Woord en Lewe Word and Life (WnL) was founded in 2000 in Boksburg, based on a vision that God laid on the heart of our leader Pastor Ronnie Barnard. WnL is located in Boksburg and has an Afrikaans ministry led by Pastor Ronnie Barnard as well as an English ministry led by Pastor Basil Panayi. Our campus in Benoni was started two years ago and is led by Pastor Sybil Bezuidenhout.

To fulfill that vision, we have sought to spread the Lord’s Gospel in many ways and we continue to do so as we unite the body of Christ in South Africa and beyond. WnL has planted churches in various locations in South Africa, India and China under the AFM network.

'n Plek waar jy baie welkom is, ons wil dat jy Woord en Lewe soos 'n tuiste sal belewe. 'n Veilige Hawe. Hier is plek vir jou. Omdat elke lidmaat belangrik is vir Woord en Lewe, wil ons seker maak dat elke persoon versorg is en opgeneem voel in die Woord en Lewe-familie. Ons maak voorsiening vir vriendskapsgroepe in elke ouderdomsgroep wat op ‘n gereelde basis in verskillende areas bymekaar kom.

VISION: “The Lord makes us as a city on a mountain that can not be hidden” (Matt. 5:14).
MISSION: “To make Jesus Christ known as the light of the world and prepare each member for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Eph. 4:12).

We believe in the Trinity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God. God became flesh and dwelt among us.
He was crucified and buried and after the third day He rose from the grave and ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, now interceding for us.
We believe in the Holy Spirit. He dwells inside of us leading us in truth.He convicts the world of their sins.
We believe in the Bible, the Word of God, which was inspired by the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  We believe speaking in tongues is proof of the baptism.
We believe that the gifts and fruits of the Spirit need to be visible in all.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the head of the church and that the church is responsible for spreading the Gospel.
We believe in the baptism of water by full submersion.
We believe in holy communion as done by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper.
We believe that God will return to earth at the appointed time, to claim His bride.
We believe in Judgement day where Jesus Christ will lay His judgement down.
We believe in a heavenly body, a new world and a new heaven.


Kantoorure / Office Hours:
Maandae tot Vrydae / Monday to Friday: 08:00 tot 16:00

Dienstye / Service times:
Sondae Oggende: 08:30, (Afrikaanse Diens)
Sunday Mornings: 08:00, 09:00, 10:00 (English Service - in Downstairs Hall)

Sondae Aande: co.Lab 17:00, 18:00 (Afrikaanse diens)
Sunday Evenings: co.Lab 17:00, 18:00 (English service. – in Hall)


Word and Life Benoni (WnL)

011 913 4567
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Danlou Wall & Roof Coatings
063 776 4991
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Marketplace Academy
011 913 4567
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AFM-AGS Lig & Lewe (Ballito)
083 253 5100
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AFM-AGS Reynorif Oasis - Witbank
083 701 1737
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AFM-AGS The Apostolic Faith Mission of SA National Office
012 644 0490
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AFM-AGS Charisma - Hillary, Durban
031 464 3107
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Visits: 5975