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Marketplace Academy

Sunward Park, Boksburg, Gauteng

Specialised Training & Courses

c/o Trichardts Rd & Kingfisher Ave
Sunward Park
Contact Number
011 913 4567
Contact Number
079 880 9478
Fax Number
011 913 4093

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What do we do? We equip and train leaders.
How do we do it? Through accredited studies.
Why do we do it? To transform communities.

Everything rises and falls on leadership. Leadership depends on attitude and skill. Attitude and skill depends on what we do. What we do depends on what we say and what we say depends on what we think. So, the bottom line of the leadership shortage worldwide is mainly in the way we think.

We read in  Proverbs 23:7  (NKJV)  "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."  The simple fact that you are reading this welcoming letter confirms that you are one of the few who are thinking positively, recognising the unique ability in you and the purpose God created you for. By wanting to equip yourself with higher education you are already a leader. And So, I want to congratulate you today. You are busy rewriting history because you are willing to become part of the few who will emerge as leaders to make a difference in the future of our country.

More on the academic side. Every prospective student wants to know about the accreditation of the courses they are studying. This is critical as every student wants to be a good steward regarding his time and money. In South Africa, there is only one body authorized to accredit tertiary institutions and that is the Council of Higher Education (CHE) and South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Through the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Marketplace Academy has signed with South African Theological Seminary (SATS), these courses are fully accredited.

Believe it, live it.
Marketplace Academy is the best choice for your theological education!


Woord en Lewe Boksburg (WnL)
011 913 4567
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