Lewende Woord Tuine main banner image

Lewende Woord Tuine

Claremont, Pretoria Central Western, Gauteng

Place of Worship

Cnr Bremer & Hanny Street
Pretoria Central Western
City of Tshwane
Contact Number
082 823 6932

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Lewende Woord Tuine

Lewende Woord Tuine se dienste word gekenmerk deur ‘n vriendelike en ontspanne atmosfeer met teer aanbidding wat jou nader aan God se hart bring.
Met elke diens bied ons praktiese onderrig uit die woord van God wat jou sal toerus om ‘n dader van die Woord te wees. Persoonlike bediening word gebied na elke diens, onder andere gebed vir genesing en enige ander behoeftes as ook algemene berading.

Living Word Gardens' services are characterized by a friendly and relaxed atmosphere with tender worship that brings you closer to God's heart.
With every service we offer practical instruction from the word of God that will equip you to be a doer of the Word. Personal service is provided after every service, including prayer for healing and any other needs as well as general counseling.


Dienstye / Service times:
Sondae Oggende / Sunday Mornings: 09:00

Lewende Woord Main (Brummeria)

012 845 8300
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