Cnr Pierneef & 24th Ave
Pretoria North East
City of Tshwane
0186 Contact Number
012 331 2341
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084 477 7123
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ECHO Youth Development - Pretoria
ECHO Youth Development is a registered non-profit organization (Sec 18(A) 930033233; 2001/02573308) founded in 2001 to provide a support system for vulnerable youth in South-Africa. High School Youth and Young Adults from different cultures live together in 13 houses, called ECHO Communities. We are based in Pretoria but there are also smaller ECHO Communities in Johannesburg, Centurion and Cape Town. ECHO Youth Development hosts weekly youth programs and free counselling services at a number of schools.
We have 12 houses for youth in need. Every house has its own character and focus. Some focus for example on providing a home to school going teenagers where we supply in all their basic needs (free housing, school, study-help, medical, clothes, food transport extra). Other houses focus on youth from childcare facilities making the jump into adulthood.
A typical Echo House has two groups of people moving in under one roof: those who are seeking help and those who want to help - in reality it’s a bit more blurry, because let’s face it, we all are needy in some way and we all have something to give! There is, for example in our high school house for girls, 10 girls living with 4 young adults who help the girls with their homework, cry with them when their boyfriends break their hearts, getting worked up about dirty rooms and laundry . . . they eat together, laugh together and learn the lessons of life together . . .
ECHO Jeugontwikkeling:
ECHO is 'n geloofsgemeenskap wat omgee vir jongmense in nood. Ons het tans 13 huise en weeklikse programme by 11 skole. ECHO Jeugontwikkeling het in 2001 tot stand gekom en is 'n geregistreerde nie-winsgewende maatskappy (Sec 18(A) 930033233; 2001/02573308). Daar is ECHOgemeenskappe in Pretoria, Johannesburg en Kaapstad - ons 13de huis as deel van die ECHO Plaasprojek het pas afgeskop buite Frankfort in die Vrystaat.
Ons Echo gemeenskappe dien as alternatiewe families vir jongmense wat deur hulle ouers en die samelewing aan hulle eie genade oorgelaat is. Die hoërskoolhuise fokus op jongmense bo die ouderdom van 14 omdat daar min instellings is wat bereid is om jongmense in hierdie ouderdomsgroep in te neem. By die EchoHuise kry jongmense in nood die geleentheid om deel te word van 'n nuwe gesin, klaar te maak met skool en te groei tot geestelike volwassenheid en finansiële selfstandigheid.
Echo het ook naskoolhuise vir jongemense uit 'n kindersorg agtergrond tussen die ouderdom 18 en 24. Jongmense in hierdie huise moet of begin werk of studeer. Al ons huise werk op 'n "saamwoon beginsel", wat beteken dat daar ook jongmense woon wat nie noodwendig in nood is nie, maar wat graag 'n verskil wil maak in iemand anders se lewe.
Daar is EchoHuise in Pretoria, Johannesburg en Kaapstad - ons 13de huis as deel van die Echo Plaasprojek het pas afgeskop buite Frankfort in die Vrystaat.
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About Us
ECHO Youth Development - Pretoria
ECHO Youth Development is a registered non-profit organization (Sec 18(A) 930033233; 2001/02573308) founded in 2001 to provide a support system for vulnerable youth in South-Africa. High School Youth and Young Adults from different cultures live together in 13 houses, called ECHO Communities. We are based in Pretoria but there are also smaller ECHO Communities in Johannesburg, Centurion and Cape Town. ECHO Youth Development hosts weekly youth programs and free counselling services at a number of schools.
We have 12 houses for youth in need. Every house has its own character and focus. Some focus for example on providing a home to school going teenagers where we supply in all their basic needs (free housing, school, study-help, medical, clothes, food transport extra). Other houses focus on youth from childcare facilities making the jump into adulthood.
A typical Echo House has two groups of people moving in under one roof: those who are seeking help and those who want to help - in reality it’s a bit more blurry, because let’s face it, we all are needy in some way and we all have something to give! There is, for example in our high school house for girls, 10 girls living with 4 young adults who help the girls with their homework, cry with them when their boyfriends break their hearts, getting worked up about dirty rooms and laundry . . . they eat together, laugh together and learn the lessons of life together . . .
ECHO Jeugontwikkeling:
ECHO is 'n geloofsgemeenskap wat omgee vir jongmense in nood. Ons het tans 13 huise en weeklikse programme by 11 skole. ECHO Jeugontwikkeling het in 2001 tot stand gekom en is 'n geregistreerde nie-winsgewende maatskappy (Sec 18(A) 930033233; 2001/02573308). Daar is ECHOgemeenskappe in Pretoria, Johannesburg en Kaapstad - ons 13de huis as deel van die ECHO Plaasprojek het pas afgeskop buite Frankfort in die Vrystaat.
Ons Echo gemeenskappe dien as alternatiewe families vir jongmense wat deur hulle ouers en die samelewing aan hulle eie genade oorgelaat is. Die hoërskoolhuise fokus op jongmense bo die ouderdom van 14 omdat daar min instellings is wat bereid is om jongmense in hierdie ouderdomsgroep in te neem. By die EchoHuise kry jongmense in nood die geleentheid om deel te word van 'n nuwe gesin, klaar te maak met skool en te groei tot geestelike volwassenheid en finansiële selfstandigheid.
Echo het ook naskoolhuise vir jongemense uit 'n kindersorg agtergrond tussen die ouderdom 18 en 24. Jongmense in hierdie huise moet of begin werk of studeer. Al ons huise werk op 'n "saamwoon beginsel", wat beteken dat daar ook jongmense woon wat nie noodwendig in nood is nie, maar wat graag 'n verskil wil maak in iemand anders se lewe.
Daar is EchoHuise in Pretoria, Johannesburg en Kaapstad - ons 13de huis as deel van die Echo Plaasprojek het pas afgeskop buite Frankfort in die Vrystaat.