Miracle Microgreens Farm - Margate main banner image

Miracle Microgreens Farm - Margate

Margate, KwaZulu-Natal

Farm Produce & Products

Uvongo Flea Market
Cnr Marine Drive & Smit Street
Ray Nkonyeni, Ugu
Contact Number
076 638 5559

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Miracle Microgreens Farm Uvongo

Miracle Microgreens Farm is located in the Margate area. Our products are delivered directly to restaurants in the area, and over weekends we also promote them from the Uvongo Flea Market in Uvongo (close to Margate). What makes us unique is that Miracle Microgreens provides exceptional produce year round, in less time.

Research indicated that microgreens contain up to 40% more phytochemicals (beneficial nutrients and components) than their full-grown counterparts and though these little greens are small in stature, they contain extremely high levels of powerful vitamins, minerals, and health-supporting components.

'Microgreens are taking the South African food industry by storm. In fact, you’ve probably already had them at your local restaurant or seen them in little plastic punnets at a nearby grocery store. They’re typically quite small, range in colour and are loved by chefs, foodies and healthy eaters because they’re supremely good for you, beautiful to look at and extremely tasty!'


Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 18:30
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday & Public Holidays: 09:00 - 13:00

JAMii Business Forum KZN Lower South Coast
062 725 7023
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Uvongo Flea Market
083 600 0962
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Visits: 442